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About Community Engagment

The Concept

All Middlebury School in Japan students must complete a 24 hour internship with a local organization during their Fall semester. Through the course of the semester, students must identify one thing they can do for the benefit of their internship site, and deliver the service/product by the last day of the final exams.

Course Objectives  

As a result of course participation, students will:

  • Gain hands on experience of adapting to a new and different social environment.

  • Develop a deeper understanding of the communication strategies that are linguistically inherent in the Japanese language.

  • Improve their ability to communicate effectively with people who are unfamiliar with your linguistic/cultural backgrounds.  

Cultural mentoring 

Participants in this course will meet once a week as a group to reflect on the development of cultural proficiency in a contextualized and structured way to help you develop and integrate skills and knowledge of the Japanese language and culture.


Want to read Community Engagement's syllabus? Click here

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